G8Keeper helps you keep track of all the details related to the domain in one place and makes it easy to manage the same. Once you add the domain in G8Keeper, it automatically tracks the following details and keeps the same updated so you have all details at your fingertips.

- Domain registrar: A lot of the us maintain multiple domains and at times with multiple domain registrars as well. Over a period of time it becomes difficult to keep track which domains are registered with which registrar. G8keeper makes it easy to locate this information.
- Domain expiry date: All domains come with expiry dates. When running an online business, with so many important things to keep track of, it is easy to forget renewing domain on time. When google can miss renewing their domain, we are still running a small business and fallible. G8Keeper keeps track of the same and provides you timely alerts to not miss the same.
- DNS server: With each domain that is setup to run business website, there is always a DNS server that is used. It is becoming common place to use third party DNS server. G8Keeper keeps track of which DNS server is being used with the domain and keeps this information accessible.
- SSL Status: SSL (HTTPs) has now become an important part of website hosting. It not only makes website access secure but also is an important parameter for SEO ranking. So it is important for websites to have working SSL all the time. G8Keeper keeps track of website SSL status, where has the ssl certificate been procured from and alerts you in case there is any issue or SSL expiry date is approaching.
- Hosting: G8Keeper, also automatically tracks where the server of the domain is hosted and provides the information in one easily accessible dashboard.
As you may have noticed, there are so many variables to keep track-of, for one domain. Keep track of all this for multiple domains is a difficult, however, it is something that can easily be automated. Which is what G8keeper does and makes all this information easily available and accessible with timely alerts.