GateKeeper Story!

Why another web monitoring tool?
Why GateKeeper?

You ask, when there are so many website monitoring tools, why we need one more? It was the exact same question we asked ourselves before we starting building one.


We are a small development team (around 50 people company), focussed on developing web applications for our clients. We have been developing, deploying and maintaining applications for last 10 years. (We have built more than 500 web applications!) While doing so, we have used multiple tools to monitor, maintain and optimise websites.

Tools such as New relic / AWS dashboards for web application monitoring, Google webmaster for malware detection, multiple tools for email / IP blacklist checking, backup management, security checking, SEO Rank monitoring, DNS and IP checking etc etc.

The list of tasks and related tools is practically endless!

With so many tools and so many metrics to track, considerable effort would be required to keep everything in place. And obviously with so many projects going on it was easy to miss one thing or the other, more so when team was learning to work remotely (due to COVID 19).

In one such internal team meeting, the question was asked, what if we can have a tool that could automate all of this for us? That initiated the search for a tool that could either do it all or integrate with different tools to provide consolidated dashboard and was easy enough to setup.


Birth of the idea.


After a month long research when the result was still in the negative, next question came up. We build worldclass software for our clients, why not build one for ourselves?

That was a difficult question to answer since one thing was certain, The task was not going to be easy.

Some quick research was done, proof of concept created, and when it was found stable enough, the obvious next question, which was there in everyone's mind but no one said out loud... "Can we build it so others like us can also use it?" Why not? after all thats what we have been doing for clients for years, no?

...and the idea was born.


But why call it GateKeeper?


Going in or coming out of any place of importance, there is a person silently sitting at the desk, observing/ tracking everything and interrupting nothing. All feel safe and secure because of her/his presence, but no one notices him/her unless needed. Isn't this what we wanted from this software? So the name was decided "GateKeeper".

So our Gatekeeper would do just what a real life gatekeeper does, gives you "Peace of mind"! Peace of mind so you can focus on what you want to, and rest assured that there is someone looking after your back.

Meet The Founder


Pranjal Srivastava

IIT Varanasi (Alumnus)

CEO and Founder of
CodeFire Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Pranjal has over 20 years of experience in technology consultancy and architecting enterprise systems. An artificial intelligence and Machine learning enthusiast has expertise in online platform development and has developed multiple challenging solutions for clients both in India and abroad. Pranjal is technology geek, versatile entrepreneur and is actively managing IT Venture CodeFire Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pranjal has uncanny knack of simplyfying complex problems and uses that ability to build software products. Gatekeeper is his latest product with which he aims to help entrepreneurs and website owners simplify website monitoring and more...

Business: [email protected]

GateKeeper is hot and buzzing tool open only to a few teams currently. Contact us using the form and you could be the lucky one to get enrolled and try it out before any of your friends.

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